Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Elvis had them............

Darren has them.........

And my  month old has them................

SO........Grayson had his first hair cut at 2 months old....


And After....

It really doesn't matter what I do to it, it sticks straight up!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

He's my man.

 I have to write something about my sweet husband.  I gotta say....I married the best one out there.

We celebrated out first anniversary in December (so this is a little late) and it has been a crazy, fun, and unpredictable year.  We....
      -went through pregnancy
      - traveled to Europe
      -tubed down several rivers in Colorado      -traveled to California twice....once landing in the er.
      -ate otter-pops all summer long
      - played at the pool
      - went on walks at midnight
      -had a baby!
      -and so many other wonderful things!

He's fun and goofy....


 He's sooo handsome.....

He works so hard and is incredibly smart.....
                                                                 (I actually think he's eating something here. :)

He's adventurous.....

He's my best friend....

I love him.

One year down.....Here's to Forever.

Who needs ears anyway?

I'm feeling like a lousy mom right now.

For the last month I've had a sick baby.  He had a cold and was getting worse so I took him into the dr.  Sure enough he had a double ear infection.  We got him started on the antibiotics and slowly things are getting better.  But man.... it's hard to have a two month old who is sick.  He cried all day long!!  (and all night long)  I had more than one moment of frustration. But we made it through.

And irony of ironies.... Now I'm sick.  I've been pretty sure I've had strep throat for almost a week now but I just haven't made it into the dr's office.  Then last night I started having trouble breathing and got this searing pain in my ear.  I hadn't felt anything like that in my ears before.  I waited for a few hours but realized  I wasn't going to sleep like this between my throat and my ears. So into the er we went.  I'm pretty sure most of my crying was over my embarrassment at having to go to the er for an ear ache and throat pain.

Sure enough, I have an ear infection and what looks like strep throat.
Thus my feeling badly for being an impatient mom...  If that's what my poor kiddo felt in his ears then it's no wonder he screamed for hours.  I have to say it hurt pretty badly.  Good thing he's so cute!

He loves reading stories

Stretching out!

Ready for a close up! A really close, close-up. Oops