Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ava, my sweet girl

 This girl is just the cutest thing I have ever seen.  I love having a little girl!  She is still so sweet but her fiesty personality is starting to come out more, which I love. She is moving a lot and starting to get into everything. She's not crawling yet but she is a scooting pro.  
 say what?

 She has two teeth on the bottom.  
 Just look at that arm fat!  Oh she is so chunky I could eat her up!

Those baby blues melt my heart.  When I married Darren I wanted with all my heart for just one of my children to get his blue eyes.  Hers are so beautiful!  She is my sweet girl and I'm so lucky she's mine.  She's 10 months old tomorrow.  Time slow down!

Easter Morning

 Grayson wasn't too interested in his basket full of enriching activities.  He had approximately 10 Starbursts in his basket total and that was all he wanted.  I couldn't even get him to look at his new crayon box or coloring book. 
 Poor baby girl.  Those scratches are evidence of older brother's love/irritation. (I can't ever tell)  We're still learning to be soft with little sister and I'm still learning not to have a heart-attack every time this happens. Also, any advice on how to get this to stop would be very welcome!
 "Mom, it's just too early for pictures."
 Oops, I think I see one more starburst....
 Ava, with the one egg Grayson would let her have.  Poor second baby.
 This is Ava's Easter dress (you can't see it very well) that I stayed up until 2am to finish.  My heavens, who would have thought a zipper would be that hard to sew!  I'm not kidding... the dress was done around 11 and that stinking zipper took 3 hours! But it ended up being pretty cute.  I just thank my lucky stars that Easter dress making is only once a year and that my sweet husband stayed up with me while I cried.  He must think I am crazy!
See Grayson, there is more in here!  
 Nope, just the candy
 This little darling has her daddy's hair.  Not the color or even the texture (her's is a little curly)  But it grows straight forward!  Right into her eyes.  
Showing off the matching Easter tie.  I wish we could have gotten a family picture but nap time was calling our name loudly when we got home from church.  Maybe we'll get all dolled up again next week. 

Birthdays, train cake, and Grandma!

In February our Tracy cousins came.  And they brought Grandma with them!  It was cousin Ryan's birthday and we celebrated with the cutest train cake that Karen and Mom made.  Oh and Karen had just had little Benjamin two weeks before... she is amazing for even thinking of making this trip! (And check out that chunky girl up there!)
Grayson loves his cousins so much! Every night he prays for "cousin Ryan" and "cousin Sarah".  Every time I mention seeing Grandma he perks up and asks if his cousins are coming too. 

 Rosy cheek girl
 This little boy has the most sparkly eyes.  They just twinkle!
Grandma is the best storyteller!


 Waiting outside the DC temple for Daddy
 Cute boy!

 This man looks good in an apron!  This was our Martin Luther King Jr. celebration.

 Mommy and Ava
 Our best attempts at family photos

Not much to show but it works!